Wednesday, February 14, 2007

God's Valentine's Day

John 3.16 Notes

As I rode the bus to work this morning the sky was sunrise pink. A coincidence for Valentine's Day? I've taught Terra that when the sky turns fantastic colours, God's painting a picture to say that he loves us.

That's God: He loves us. Simple. That's his relationship with humanity, and with you as a person. God loves us.

When it came time to make that statement, God made it bigger than we could have ever hoped: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son." Could God have done any more to express how he felt? We think in terms of pink hearts and flowers and chocolate; God sent his son from the glory of heaven to become one of us, and to be that stairway to heaven. "Everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." That's the why of Jesus. That we might be re-born: re-born with the wind of God's spirit living inside us; re-born with a faith and a purpose; re-born with heaven written inside of us; re-born with a life that will go on for ever and ever with God.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Someone loves you more that you will ever understand. God pursues us, woes us, courts us, longs for us, delights in us, just as any lover would. We're not forced to respond to it, but God is always there. He's given the ultimate expression, and his spirit still draws us.

Question for Comments: How does God/has God drawn you to his love?

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